It is essential to know how to Verify a Business if you are planning to start a business. The first stage in a company’s authentication process is to create a Facebook page. To get started, click this link. For your convenience, we’ve also included a guide on how to set up a company manager.

Let’s speak about how to finish the Facebook Business Verification process.

Go to Facebook Business Manager ( in the first step.

  • Select the business account if you already have one. If you don’t already have a Facebook Business Manager account, go to to get one.
  • Select ‘Business Settings’ from the left navigation.
  • Navigate to ‘Security Center’ from the ‘Business Setting’ page on the left navigation.
  • Select ‘Start Verification’ from the drop-down menu.
  • Complete the following form with your business information.

How long does it take to verify a business on Facebook?

It may take up to 5 business days for Facebook to respond after applying for verification. Your company manager will be approved if everything follows Facebook’s regulations. More fantastic features, such as WhatsApp business API access, will be unloaded due to this. This URL can be used to apply for WhatsApp Business APIs.

What are the most prevalent causes for Business Verification rejection?

  • The addresses on the Legal Name Document and the Address Proof Document are different – Please double-check that all documents have the same address.
  • The legal name of the company is not disclosed on the website. It is a good idea to put your company’s legal name in the website’s footer.

How can you sign up for the Business API?


  • Phone Number for Business Account (Should not have a Business Account, this number is nontransferable)
  • Follow these steps to remove the Business Account associated with your phone number.
  • Display Name for a Company (Should have a clear relationship with Business)
  • Please click here to learn more about the Display Name Guide.
  • Business Manager ID that has been validated (should be verified by uploading business documents)
  • If you do not already have one, please create a Business by clicking here.

Please follow these steps to verify your Business.

Once you have these details, fill out the form below to receive API clearance in less than five days. You must first authenticate your Business before updating your business name and other information on Google. Check that your business information is valid and that you are the only one who can modify it when you authenticate your Business.

The Business Verification process is distinct from the Blue Page Tick Verification and Account Green Tick Verification processes. While all good businesses are granted Business Verification, the public verification ticks (blue and green) are only approved for extremely reputable enterprises. There are no set criteria or eligibility requirements for the same.